Thursday, March 30, 2006

Audioblog (060405) Corrected Version

Aduiblog by John Buckley, The Dissident Vox, www.dissidentvox.com
Transcripts by Juan Manosalva, Valparaíso Chile

Hi folks, it's 3 o'clock in the morning on Wednesday the 6th of April, I believe it is without looking at the clock on the screen and ... I was going to go to bed at least 2 hours ago, but here I am ... anyway, rather than sleeping, don't know why I'm doing this I must be developing an obsessive compulsive disorder I don't know what you'd call it, but it seems to involve staying up extremely late surfing the internet and audioblogging so if you can help with that I'd really appreciate it0.

But now I mean, seriously, if you've ever found yourself in the position of spending too much time on the internet when you should be engaging in other activities and all of them involve interfacing with technology and you will understand what I'm talking about.

I had an interesting day yesterday, listened to some great podcasts, catholic insider, for one, which if you haven't checked out I really recommend, particularly at the moment. It's a young priest, he sounds young, I'm not actually sure, but pretty sure he's young, he's in Rome and he is responding to all the staff that's going on around, the death and funeral and laying in state of John Paul II, and riding around Rome on his bicycle, talking to people in Saint Peter's square going inside various places in Vatican City.

It's just a fascinating podcast, really interesting and he has a great voice a slight European..., it's just really interesting, so check that out if you get a moment you will enjoy it.

Uh, strange noises coming from the garage, outside, why is the noise so creepy? When you are the only one awake, some primal instincts kick off, don't they? Your'e kind of there, jumping and staring, you know, I really can hear a lot of strange noises, actually I've got the headphones on, which is, of course, amplifying it because it is in a loop, where it's been feed back to me from the computer, so it's ever so slightly too loud.

Anyway, I don't think I really have to much to say, I just wanted to post a quick ... audioblog early in the day, and possibly I'll post an article, or some text later on. The ... podcast which, I'll have out by the end of the week or the weekend ... so look out for that, thanks for taking the time to listen to this, I hope you have a good day, wherever you are, and whatever you're doing and check back soon and thanks for your time, this is Dissident Vox out.

This transcript has been corrected by the very Dissident Vox, though it actually may contain some more errors, we are humans and cannot avoid it.


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