Thursday, March 30, 2006

Wallace & Gromit - Corrected Version

Aduioblog by John Buckley, The Dissident Vox, www.dissidentvox.com
Transcripts by Juan Manosalva, Valparaíso Chile

Hello folks this is Dissident Vox and you're listening to Dvoxpopz...Just at the end of Wallace & Gromit and the curse of the Weir Rabbit, and a few comments.

I've got to say, an incredible funny, well observed, totally British, superbly detailed, wonderful piece of cinema, quite short at about 80 minutes but it's a great little feature that was preceded here with the Madagascar Penguins short.

The film itself it's just full of wonderful British jokes, great voices lots of of plays on horror films past and present, and a few science fiction references thrown in. A little bit of innuendo but nothing that your kids will pick up on. Just superbly funny, very enjoyable and a masterpiece of lovingly detailed and crafted plasticine and, Gromit is a total hero and I absolutely loved him and think that everybody else did. There was plenty of laughter in the cinema and I totally recommend it, even the credits are funny.

So, please, go and check it out 'cause I'm sure you'll have a great time seeing it, probably I'll have more to say about it somewhere in my next podcast, but, for now folks, from Wallace & Gromit and of course the Weir Rabbit, this is Dissident Vox saying take care of yourselves and I'm out.

This transcript has been corrected by the very Dissident Vox, though it actually may contain some more errors, we are humans and cannot avoid it.

Dissident Vox 02, Bush mushup - Corrected Version

Aduioblog by John Buckley, The Dissident Vox, www.dissidentvox.com
Transcripts by Juan Manosalva, Valparaíso Chile

Good Morning Folks, it's dissident Vox here, my computer says that it's 3:35 in the morning and that's Monday morning, Monday March 17, 2005. I am here in the hills of Huddersfield in the north of England and so thanks for joining me for the next 10 or 12 minutes. I've actually spent more like 10 or 12 hours trying to get a sound that would make you want to stay for 10 or 12 minutes, I hope you will.

If you do you get to hear me playing a piece of music, making some statements, expressing opinions, the music you can hear underneath me is My Groovebox, merely playing away with a little tune that I programed a while ago.

And you may not agree with what I have to say, but that's your right, as it's my right, the right of free speech for all of us, something I deeply believe in, you're welcome to send me audio comments at jhwbuckley@gmail.com or you can visit the blog at dissidentvox.com

Ah, the mash up, I've got it labelled as a dcmixcompilaton it was from a Europe's 'Final Countdown' or at least the original that it came from was, these guys have done a surgical job at reconstructing George Bush's foreign policy, so please check it out.

Tune playing...
Tune Finished

So I really like that tune, I think that people who pulled it together have done an absolutely superb job of, as I said, reconstructing the foreign policy, the imperial policy of president George W. Bush, and you may not agree with me, you may think that George W. Bush is a good Christian man and his cohort Anthony Blair, you may think Vladimir Putin, William Jefferson Clinton, Kofi Annan, and all these guys are good men and they may have good qualities, I don't know, but I do know that I believe there's a significant amount of evidence that they are neither honest nor fair in their dealings with the people, or with the truth, and that concerns me folks, that's what I'm here, thats what I'm doing.

So I've being talking in my blog about what I'm calling the new Britain, new in the sense that we now have these enormously powerful juggernaut pieces of legislation being driven through the House's of Commons and Lords, we had the Civil Contingencies Bill last year, and that bill can effectively declare a state of emergency in this country, placing the country into martial law and then, in that event folks, everybody's life, property and liberty, will be under the command of state control.

Just last week we had Control Orders going through the house, I think it went to the House of Lords and should be passed very soon, and that gives the state the power to place individuals under house arrest, detention, surveillance, restriction of their movement, their internet access, who they can see, where they can go.

And folks our tv culture is becoming Guantanamo light, last week channel 4 had a show with tortured volunteers undergoing the Guantanamo regime, and if you flick channels can watch Jack Bauer, on the television show 24, who seems to be working for Fox news these days.

It's worrying you know, there are cameras going up everywhere and ... did you know that they had sponsors for the surveillance at the Republican Party conference last year? We've got fences barbed wire fences, men in black, and we've got ... dead bio-scientists turning up everywhere, the election's being stolen, but there you go, that's the modern world.

So that's my show notes, don't folks, and wherever I say in the next minute and a half, I will be off the cuff... so I hope you've enjoyed the podcast, please send me audio comments at jhwbuckey@gmail.com leave comments on the web site at dissidentvox.com, and I'm just pleased we have this medium, we need to use it to express ourselves, our opinions, our ideas, we need to share all our ideas and opinions and make the best use of that than we can, these are strange, difficult, and sometimes really troubling days, and we need to do everything that we can to defend the values that we believe make this world worth living in.

There are some strange things happening out there folks. So, this is Dissident Vox saying "take care of yourselves", "take care of each other", until the next time we meet this is Dissident Vox.. and I'm out.

This transcript has been corrected by the very Dissident Vox, though it actually may contain some more errors, we are humans and cannot avoid it.

Audioblog (060405) Corrected Version

Aduiblog by John Buckley, The Dissident Vox, www.dissidentvox.com
Transcripts by Juan Manosalva, Valparaíso Chile

Hi folks, it's 3 o'clock in the morning on Wednesday the 6th of April, I believe it is without looking at the clock on the screen and ... I was going to go to bed at least 2 hours ago, but here I am ... anyway, rather than sleeping, don't know why I'm doing this I must be developing an obsessive compulsive disorder I don't know what you'd call it, but it seems to involve staying up extremely late surfing the internet and audioblogging so if you can help with that I'd really appreciate it0.

But now I mean, seriously, if you've ever found yourself in the position of spending too much time on the internet when you should be engaging in other activities and all of them involve interfacing with technology and you will understand what I'm talking about.

I had an interesting day yesterday, listened to some great podcasts, catholic insider, for one, which if you haven't checked out I really recommend, particularly at the moment. It's a young priest, he sounds young, I'm not actually sure, but pretty sure he's young, he's in Rome and he is responding to all the staff that's going on around, the death and funeral and laying in state of John Paul II, and riding around Rome on his bicycle, talking to people in Saint Peter's square going inside various places in Vatican City.

It's just a fascinating podcast, really interesting and he has a great voice a slight European..., it's just really interesting, so check that out if you get a moment you will enjoy it.

Uh, strange noises coming from the garage, outside, why is the noise so creepy? When you are the only one awake, some primal instincts kick off, don't they? Your'e kind of there, jumping and staring, you know, I really can hear a lot of strange noises, actually I've got the headphones on, which is, of course, amplifying it because it is in a loop, where it's been feed back to me from the computer, so it's ever so slightly too loud.

Anyway, I don't think I really have to much to say, I just wanted to post a quick ... audioblog early in the day, and possibly I'll post an article, or some text later on. The ... podcast which, I'll have out by the end of the week or the weekend ... so look out for that, thanks for taking the time to listen to this, I hope you have a good day, wherever you are, and whatever you're doing and check back soon and thanks for your time, this is Dissident Vox out.

This transcript has been corrected by the very Dissident Vox, though it actually may contain some more errors, we are humans and cannot avoid it.

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Dog days..

Have you ever been through one of those times in your life when nothing you did seemed to work out? When you felt as if merely existing was becoming a difficult act, and getting through the day a major achievement? If you answered yes to the following, then you probably have some sense or understanding of how I'm feeling at the moment. Not that my response is to give up in despair, simply that I am finding being in this world more problematic than I have for a while.

Much of the anxiety I am feeling has its roots in societal rather than personal causes. I have become increasingly aware over the last decade that the world is in large measure controlled by cliques of dark little men, who make decisions that affect the fates of millions, primarily in private, and with little consultation or consideration for the rest of us. Not only that, but in their quest to bring about what they believe is the new world we should all live in, it seems they are willing to lie, cheat, steal, and even kill, if it will aid them in the process of unfolding their extremely unfriendly agenda. Whilst this may all sound terribly conspiratorial to those of you who dismiss such things, I believe that any serious research into such matters would reveal that it is not. The fact that many people do not wish to investigate such things, and rationalize the evidence to create comfortable explanations they can live with, does not make this fact any less true. The conclusions I have reached, are not based on a desire to believe in bad things, but simply on a consistent encounter with evidence that supports the view that these are the real truths we spend so much of our lives hiding from.

As a result of these conclusions, and because of some personal difficulties that have aided that sense of weariness, I have at times this past month considered giving up podcasting and blogging entirely. I feel tired out with it all, and marginalized in the way that people who speak out about unpleasant things often are. I'm not trying to make a virtue out of some misplaced sense of martyrdom here. I recognize that in many respects my western lifestyle still has some privileges not enjoyed in certain parts of the globe. Nonetheless the sense of emotional fatigue I feel, is taking it's toll. How exactly I will resolve it I haven't decided yet. I might take a proper break from the whole thing for a while, or I may find that I can snap out of it with a little detachment and a few days of relaxation. Whatever the solution, this blog will no doubt be undergoing some changes in the short

T-shirt alerts and propaganda

This is a transcript of a podcast show from dissidentvox.com

The clasification of the show is the following:

01 Dissident Voxcast 04 (180305) Robots, T-shirt alerts and propaganda

You can find mor information at http://www.dissident.com

Begining of the show

Hey folks, welcome to the show, this is Dissident Vox podcasting from the UK, from the north of England in a little town called Huddersfield, that’s 25 miles south of Manchester, in the cold north of England, it is getting a bit warmer now but it has been pretty chilly lately. So you’re very welcome, thanks for joining me, I appreciate your time in this increasingly busy world we’re living.

So we’ll get the basics of what we’ve got first, you can contact me at
jhwbuckley@gmail.com, my blog is at dissdentvox.com.

So, you’re welcome to drop by, leave comments, check out the content, and I’ll be loved to hearing from you.

So, I’ll tell you what is coming up: I’m going to be talking about what does it mean to be living in a time when your choice of T-shirt can cause a security issue and also why is the government now thrilling admit their fake news for propaganda purposes also something I’ve found kind of interesting recently is how crazy the Japanese are about robots and how advance the robots that they’re producing now are, I mean some of the are just absolutely unbelievable, so I’ll be talking about that a little bit and I’ve got some music coming up… so I’m going to be here for about ten twelve minutes, although probably more like ten or twelve hours and I hope you enjoy the show.

I’m going to kick off with this John Holowach tune from the album “A basement of Broken Dreams”, the song is called “my piano sings” I found it out in internet archive, he also has a blog and I’ll give you details after the tune.

… [Music] …
So I hope you’ve enjoyed that tune folks that was by John Holowach from his album A basement of broken dreams and the song was called son of my piano sings, that was licensed in the creative common attributions. And mister Holowach also has a blog at triple w narphonax.com so he’s always a busy and interesting character and that particular album that I took that track from Basement of Broken Dreams is available on internetarchive.org and I just suggest you to check that out if you’ve never been there, there’s a fantastic resource for digital media.

So, imagine that you’re traveling from a major international airport and you managed to spark a security alert, and what have you done? To deserve this fate, Are you a terrorist intend on destroying western civilization, Are you carrying a suitcase full of nucs’ ? D you have unfargs on you? Well if you are Kelly Jones the lead singer of Te Stereophonics, apparently not, your dangerous weapon is a T-shirt, and this particular T-shirt had a picture of a gun on it. So Kelly Jones was going through ethorugh and he was questioned, initially because he repeals this after metal detector, so they took his belt, his watch, his phone, and giving them whatsoever, and then a security guard takes him aside and says: “You do know that you’re not suppose to wear that, don’t you” And he says: “Not suppose to wear what?” And that guard was pointing at his T-shirt, and then the guard calls his supervisor over, and then, you know, unbelievable, they’re having a conversation about this guys wardrobe choice… He said afterwards “I thought he was going to ask me to strip down and change” It’s not as if my T-shirt was allowed.

Well, that may be true but, in modern Britain, and in this climate of fear that we’re living in the present day, it seems that anything it’s an enslavement to state interference or interference by duty… authorities, I mean, What does it say about the time we’re living? When a T-shirt, your choice of clothe, can cause a security alert, Are we any safer? Is this the new freedom? You see, somehow the more I see the operators of commanding control and civilians being put into place in our society, the less safe I feel myself to be.

So, I want to talk about this new story that I found over spinwatch.rog, there is a journalist David Miller, who put the article out, and it deals with how the UK government is apparently paying the wages of a group known as the B.F.B.S. (The British Forces Broadcasting Service) and their… is to edit and inform the armed forces around the world, they’re also a part of another group called the “service of science and vision corporation” who are commissioned to provide news to the BBC and the only problem with that is that they are funded by the ministry of defense, the government pays their wages, and they’re working side this group known as the B.F.B.S., but their news reports are presented without comment on BBC TV, they introduce media as a BFBS reporter who is embedded the forces in Iraq, but what you get here folks is a ministry of defense briefing presented as a BBC News piece, which is troubling to say the least because, somehow we rely on this journalists, this civilian journalists to be our impartial objective eyes and ears in this conflict zones, and if this people are commissioned by the ministry of defense to provide this information, then what we are really getting is government propaganda.

So I’m going to talk about these incredible robots that the Japanese have come up with, they’re calling them “fembots” because they look remarkable like young Japanese women. And apparently there were a model on the, some of the faces and characters from the Final Fantasy CDI film, and they are calling them actroids which I guess is an amalgamation of the word actor-android, so android that is an actor. They’re produce by a company called “Kokoro Advanced Media” and the actroid-bot is “fembot” can speaks forty thousand phrases in four languages, which is more than I can speak, and has a bunch of freaky facial expressions including blinking, which is very estrange, also the type of answers she can give over two thousands type of answers, and she matches her facial expressions to those answers, they even … how whether sense of irony, and she’ll actually fake clunky robot movements and then tell you that she is kidding, and even perform rap music, which is really the cherry on the cake. Quite incredible really, I mean, the Japanese has been into robots as you know for a long time, but now they are really taking them into the civil society in a way we haven’t seen before, and these are very advanced pieces of artificial intelligence, you could almost say that this is a new specie of technology that we’re talking about here, it’s not your inert piece of computing hardware, this is a species of technology, this things are going to get smarter and smarter and they are going to infiltrate our lives in ways we can’t possibly imagine, they’re also going to have some quite scary uses, if you just extrapolate a little down the line, and imagine what say the US military or the communist Chinese might chose to do with such a technology.

It’s really quite incredible that we’re living in this era, at the moment it tends to look a little bit like rejects from a Star Treck episode in the 60’s but, the technology is moving on the pay, is extremely powerful, so keep you eyes on that, you can link through my blog at dissidentvox.com to a movie of the actroid and there’s also some supplemental news information if you’re interested in checking tat out.

So that’s going to do from me, I’ve really enjoyed making this episode, I hope you’ve enjoyed listening to it, please check back for the next one, I’ve been dissident vox, and I’m out.

End of the show

America's Secret Government!

This is a transcript of a podcast show from dissidentvox.com

The clasification of the show is the following:

America's Secret Government!

Dissident Vox is back with another podcast! This time he takes a close look at the role of the Federal Emergency Management Agency, (FEMA) in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, and peers into the billion dollar budget that supports it.

Podcast by by John B on September 8, 2005 08:44AM (BST)



Hallo folks! Welcome to the show, you’re listening to Dissident Vox on Wednesday 7th of September 2005, at about 5:50 in the evening in what has been a pleasant Yorkshire day, not too hot, not too cold, we’ve been having some pretty excellent weather for this region in the last week or so, but I don’t want to concentrate on the weather today, so far I’ve to say that I’m surely aware of the catastrophic influence that the weather has played on the lives of some people in the past week or so. I’m certainly not going to be producing a flipping live entertainment show today either, I am afraid that eventually unearthly, and my own good conscience just simply won’t not allow me to do that. So if you’re in the mood to hear something like that could I politely suggest that you go and check out one of the other great podcasts out there that are specialized in exactly that.

Today I’m going to be taking a chopped dim view of the events that have occurred in the past week, I’m going to be speaking about hurricane Katrina, but in particular I’m going to be focusing on the role of the new “Secret Government” that is now running America that is the Federal Emergency Management Agency, FEMA, and if you think that is an exaggeration to describe FEMA as the new secret government please stick around because I’m going to try to demonstrate that over the course of this podcast.

Right, also what I want to do in just a few moments is play an audio clip that I think helps to illustrate what this agency is up to the present time, then I’m going to outline its history and explain how it evolves through a series of executive presidential orders over of the last few decades and how it arrives at the point where it is now, and could currently be consider possibly the single most powerful unelected agency ever in existence, certainly it could be argued but it now has more political muscle than the president and congress combined. I know that’s been a lot of anger and amazement expressed over the last week or so, by people wondering how unethical could be that a nation as powerful as the United States could possibly got it self into a position where was unable to provide aid to rich people who were trapped in such a helpless situation and we’ve seen the terrible images pouring out at the news media of folks just trapped in devastated cities with almost total destruction surrounding them and absolute massive flooding and damage over an are the size of Great Britain and, you know, rightly there’s been a lot of anger expressed over this unearthly could it had been that the federal government could have responded in such poor way, and also some of that anger has been directed at the role played by FEMA, so what I want to do of the back is play this audio clip which I found over crooksandliers.com and it’s of a guy called Aaron Broussard, and he is the president of a place called Jefferson Parish in Louisiana, he was speaking on NBC meet the press on September 4th. Now, there’s a couple of things that I probably need to explain about this clip, because you obviously can’t see it and it’s clear from the video that initially mister Broussard'sreading from a prepared text because he glances down his text a few times and you can see what he’s doing, but what’s really interesting is he make a couple of remarkable statements during the interview about the role of FEMA during the crisis and a little further in he does something which is very rarely see during an interview and loses it completely and begins sopping telling this very moving story and the whole thing is bizarre because at the same time that he’s making these … statements about the role of FEMA he then calls on the government to basically “enlarge” FEMA to, you know, he wants some more money for FEMA, more power for FEMA the whole thing is a classic example of double thing but anyway, is easy for you to take a listen for yourselves, this is Aaron Broussard the president of Jefferson Parish in Louisiana speaking on NBC meet the press on September 4th:

Interview Dialogue Transcript:

Aaron B.: “We have been abandoned by our own country, hurricane Katrina will go down in history as one of the worst storms ever to hit an American coast, but the aftermath of hurricane Katrina will go down as one of the worst abandonments of America on American soil ever and you as history. I am personally asking our bipartisan congressional delegation here in Louisiana to amicable begin congressional hearings to find out just what happened here, why did it happened, who needs to be fired, and believe me, they need to be fired right away because we still have weeks to go on this tragedy, we have moths to go, we have years to go and whoever’s at the top of this totem pole, that totem pole needs to be chain-sawed off and we’ve got to start with some new leadership.

It’s not just Katrina that caused all this dust in New Orleans here, bureaucracy has committed murder here in the great of New Orleans area and bureaucracy has to stand trial before congress now, it’s so obvious, FEMA needs more congressional funding, it needs more presidential support, it needs to be a cabinet level director, it needs to be an independent agency that will be able to fulfil its mission to work in partnership with state local governments around America, FEMA needs to be empowered to do the things that was created to do, it needs to come somewhere like New Orleans with all of its force immediately without red tape, without bureaucracy, act immediately with common sense and leadership, and save lives, forget about the property, we can rebuild the property, it’s got to be able to come in and save lives, we need strong leadership at the top of America right now in order to accomplish this into reconstructing FEMA”

Interviewer: Ah, mister Broussard, let me ask…[Broussard's interruption], let me ask… [Broussard's interruption], should… [Broussard's interruption], should…[Broussard's interruption], hold on, hold on sir, Shouldn’t the Mayor of New Orleans and the Governor of New Orleans bear some responsibility?, Couldn’t they have been much more effort, much more effective, and much organized in evacuating the area?

Aaron B.: Sir, they were told like me every single day the cavalry is coming, on the federal level, the cavalry is coming, the cavalry is coming, the cavalry is coming, I have just began to hear the horses of the cavalry, the cavalry is still not here jet but I began to here the horses and we’re almost the week out, let me give you just three quick examples: we had … delivered three trucks of water trailer tracks of water, FEMA turn them back, they said we didn’t need them, this was a week ago, ah FEMA, ah we had a thousand gallons of diesel fuel on the coast guard … docked in my parish, the coast guard said come to get the fuel right away, and when we got there with our trucks they got awarded, FEMA says don’t give you the fuel. Yesterday, yesterday, FEMA comes in and cut all of our emergency communications lines, they cut them without notice.

Our sheriff, Harry Leegoes back in, he reconnects the lines and he post on guard on our lines, and says no one’s going to get near these lines. " Sheriff Harry Lee said that if America with an American government would have responded like …(someone) has responded, we wouldn’t be in this crisis, but I want to thank governor Blanco for all she’s done and all the leadership, she said at the national guard, “I’ve just repaired a bridge on my side of the 17th street canal that the secretary didn’t forth see, a three hundred foot bridge”, I just … yesterday with convoys of national guard and local parish workers and levy boy people, it took us two and a half day working 24/7 I’ve just closed it. I’m telling you, most importantly I want to thank my public employees that have worked 24/7 they are burned out, the doctors, the nurses, and I want to give you one last story and I’ll shut up and let you tell me whatever you want to tell me: The guy who runs this building, I mean, the emergency management, he’s responsible for everything, his mother was trapped in St. Bernard nursing home and everyday she called him and said, Are you coming soon?, Is somebody coming?, and he said, Yeah momma, somebody is coming to get you, somebody is coming to get you on Tuesday, somebody is coming to get you on Wednesday, somebody is coming to get you on Thursday, somebody is coming to get you on Friday, and she’s drowning on Friday night, she’s drowning on Friday night

Interviewer : Mister president … [Aaron
B.’s interruption (nobody is coming to get me, nobody is coming to get me, the secretary’s promise, everybody’s promise, they had press conferences, I’m sick of the press conferences, for God sake’s shut up and send in somebody…)]

(Text written in bold represents Aaron B.’s crying part of his speech)

End of the interview dialogue transcript

So there you go folks, I’m sorry for the slide distortion on that sound that was a consequence of the way that I’ve recorded it from the web, but I really hope you didn’t fast forwarded to that section because I think that what mister Broussard was saying was really important and he showed something about the way in which FEMA has behaved during this sort of crisis, I mean specially at a time when a movie is on the way in the media to begin shifting the responsibility back on to the local and state authorities, because as you can clearly hear, even when the local agencies had resources to do something they were blocked and stymie by FEMA, which I think is absolutely disgusting, I mean we already know that the Bush administration blocked funding for hurricane protection projects in 2003 because congress was due to revive it in 2005, just absolutely incredible.

But anyway, I want to get into the history of FEMA now, and we can trace the origins of FEMA all the way back really to the congressional act of 1803, which could be considered the first piece of disaster legislation, providing assistance to a town in New Hampshire that had been devastated by fire. In the 1913’s it was something called the reconstruction finance corporation which was given the authority to make disaster lands, and the 30’s also saw the passing of the flood controller, but more importantly than that it was during the 1930’s that the United States government began digging deep inside mountain near blue mount of Virginia at a so named mount Weather.

And what they were doing there was constructing a highly secretive and hugely extensive underground facility which has come to be equipped with streets, sidewalks, Cafes, hospitals, a water purification system, a series of private apartments and dormitory rooms, even its own lake, there’s a mass transit system and there’s also a state-of-the-art super advanced communication system and along with all this there is the operators of a completely parallel government, and this is complete with the departments of agriculture, commerce, interior, labour, state, transportation, and the treasury. There are at least two corporations there, the Federal Reserve and the United State’s Post Office, and get this, there’s even an office of the president, yep, they call him “mister president” but it’s nor George W. Bush. There’s also a complete set of cabinet offices, all of these people are unelected and they’re all extensible invisible to the American people, and interestingly or not, they all have these positions through numerous administrations. But who the hell are they? I mean mount weather is the central hub of over 96 underground centres and they are spread out all across the United States and each facility contains computer banks of data which hold extensive information on every single citizen in the United States, I mean the only reason we know anything about this is because of a subcommittee investigation, a senate subcommittee investigation in 1976, that’s the only reason that we have any awareness of this whole project, otherwise its entire existence would have remained secret and kept out of public view, just absolutely incredible.

Now I know, probably a lot of people listening to this might argue that this is just all part of the federal preparedness of the United State government; they are preparing for emergencies and constructing suitable facilities, but come on folks! Is this the same government that you are referring to that was unable to get basic food and water, or even baby formula, or anything of significance to the people of New Orleans last week?

No, something else is happening here people, something else is happening at these facilities like mount weather and all the other secret facilities like it, because when you consider who’s in charge of these facilities, guess who it is, the Federal Emergency Management Agency, FEMA, yet again, making the whole thing look even stranger.

Ok, so what is the US government preparing for? The worst, a disaster, like the occurred last week and, does this… prove their wasting in doing so? But hey, if that was true then why is only 6% of FEMA’s budget ever spent on national emergencies and where is the rest of it going, into this highly secretive underground bases? I mean, interestingly in the 60’s, we have the development of the federal disaster administration and its involvement with the hurricanes at the 60’s, there was a Karla, Betsy, Agnes, Camille and in the 70’s there were a couple of quakes as well, I mean, San Francisco and California, but it wasn’t until 1979 that president Jimmy Carter signed an executive order that basically merged all of the various agencies in existence at that time into this super agency, that was to become FEMA, and indeed, is these executive orders that have created the pretext to put FEMA in the position that it now occupies where is affectively a secret government in waiting with all of the required powers and all of the facilities to almost anything it damn well pleases.

Now, if we look at 1980’s we see another continuation of this indirect rex84 program which was drafted by Colonel Allan Bernard and the president Ronald Regan, and it was said that this power might became available in the event of civil unrest in the domestic United States, again it was run by FEMA, and it effectively create a network of concentration camps which still exist across the Unites States, and it also allowed a declaration of martial law and a complete suspension of constitutional rights.

Now we are talking about the mass detention of United States citizens here, indeed, the rex84 plan would have been inactive if it hasn’t been for their own contra scandal; I mean that blew up in the administration’s face and as a result these plans were put on hold.

I mean what I’d like to discuss here I’d like to give a little of flavour of these executive and the kind of power that we’re talking about. Now a series of executive orders has been implemented as part of a kind of a peace new strategy to erode constitutional government in the United States, and it was the executive order 1214 that created FEMA and its emergency tsar, and since then we’ve had a whole bunch of more, executive order 12656 made the national Security Council the principal body responsible for the administration of emergency powers, now that allowed for the national guard which is the domestic army of the United States, there was always been a separation of power in the US; Now that allow for the national guard to be federalized by FEMA for the closure of borders and the sealing of all ports and points of entry into the domestic United States.
Other Executive order 10990 which allows for FEMA to take control of all the transportation networks, 10997 which allows for the … of the entire power grade, 10998 which allows for the takeover of all fruit production in all forms and all factories, and 1099 which provides fully control pf all highways, executive order 11100 which basically gives FEMA the power to set up work forces, a force labour camps and indeed the force … of people, 1101 provides for the … of all the house resources, 1102 for the enforce registration of all citizens, 1103 for the … of all ports and all aircrafts, 1104 the … of all housing and the designation of where citizens can live, 1105 the … of all railroads all water ways whether public or private and here’s the … 11051 which amalgamates “all” of this powers so that they can be put into effect when the president of the US declares state of emergency.

And recently we had another little amendment 12919 which allows US citizens to be given the status of enemy combatants in time of crisis and this effectively what is happening now in New Orleans. The constitutional implications are enormous and if you’re listening to the news today for example you would have heard a discussion now occurring as to who exactly is going to … the enforce evacuation of the residents left in that city.

Local officials no longer have any power in this world they’ve been forcibly evacuated from the centres of power, I mean even the Red Cross’s States that it wasn’t allowed to deliver aid, this is just crazy staff we are getting into here, but anyway let’s take a little break and what I’d like to do is play a piece of music and this piece of music is from podshow.com I’ve founded it after a little bit of searching, I’m not entirely sold on the concept of podshow.com yet, but I, I do have to give them props for, just for making so much music available that previously wasn’t heard and for giving all of this artists a break and, I hope that the rumours that I’ve heard about their rather true coin and producer policy proved to be unfounded, anyway this tune is called “Now is now”, I’m sorry the band is called Now is now and the tune is called “Sail away”, it’s taken from an album called Transitions, all the links will be on my blog and in my show notes, so this is Now is now whit Sail away, hope you enjoy it.

Start of the tune…

End of the tune…

So, that was Now is now with Sail away and as I was saying all the relevant links fro that are in my show notes.

So as I moved towards wrapping up this podcast I’d like to recap some of the main points and also throwing a little bit of the late breaking news that’s pop up on the radio as I’ve been making this cast.

Now we know that FEMA is basically quasi secret agency with a budget that has … into billions of dollars and you’ve heard Allan Broussard say early on the show that had prevented food and water delivery in his district and also cut communication lines in a crisis situation and you also heard him say that he had to put his own men in positions to guard the local infrastructure against FEMA, and it looks like if you have this pattern meanwhile have been repeated elsewhere, we certainly would have contributed to grave deepening of the crisis, we’ve also have reports of FEMA … communications and lines generally in a kind of information block aid, and we know now that despite warnings FEMA chief Michael Brown didn’t seek a prove from homeland security secretary Michael … until five hours after Katrina hit land on August 29th and at that point he was seeking an authority to despatch a mere 1000 people to the region which is either pitiful incompetence or deliberate wilful neglect, and we also know now that offers of aid from foreign countries are still entangled in ridiculous bureaucracy and all of this leads back to the door of FEMA.

It begins to look evermore sinister doesn’t it? As if decades long planning by whichever factional of the global elite that is pushing for the militarization of life in America and the declaration of martial law finally coming to fruition as they see their golden opportunity.

And folks this kind of behaviour is treacherous and malign and it must be fully resisted because as we all know where America leads the rest of the world inevitably seems to follow.

I should tell my e-mail address and give you some other quick details before I forget you can contact me at
jhwbuckley@gmail.com and of course my blog is at dissidentvox.com, and what else do I want to say? Anything else that I’ve forgotten, I guess that’s going to do it from me for the moment, I’d like to thank you all for listening, I’d like to mention that the background music was by elysis and can be found over internetarchive.org, and also that will be linked on my blog and in the show notes.

As I said, I think it’s vital that we get pass all this hide and propaganda and we begin to seriously expose the criminal activities of a government that appears to be so mild in its own corruption and its … absolute power and dominion over its people that it now poses a great threat to the future freedom of all of us and don’t even get… on our lying charlatan Anthony Blair and his morbid ingrate … who is currently in charge of my own administration, anyway.

So until the next time we meet folks, please take care of yourselves and take care of the people around you, this is becoming an increasingly dangerous world, we need to look after each other, so don’t let them blind you, think for yourselves, stay free and stay awake and until the next time we meet I’ve been dissident vox and I’m out.